Offer: The companies described here are two medium-sized companies from the industrial automation and control sector (mechanical and
plant engineering). Both companies are active in various industries.
Short description: By using a modern and extensive machine park (CNC) as well as a variety of modern software tools (CAE, CAD, CAD/CAM, Siemens TIA, etc.), individual plant concepts can be created, which are necessary for the automation of a wide variety of production plants.
Asking price: € 3.9 million
Products: With the increasing scope of business, the decision was made to expand the company to include the complex areas of mechanical and plant engineering as well as. From then on, the GmbH was able to act as a special machine manufacturer with extensive vertical integration.
Prospect profile:
Companies from manufacturing sectors, companies from the mechanical engineering and automation sector or companies that have bought exactly the skills that the company offered here offers, possibly also MBI candidates.